Sunday, January 27, 2008

Such Great Heights

I'm too happy for words. so happy, in fact, that i've been handwriting my experiences down for the past few weeks, passing up blogging for a while. i havent had the heart for typing lately. there seems to be little heart in typing. i need passion. give me passion.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

I am thinking it's a sign.

I'm thinking i'm feeling really great right about now. i haven't felt this way, really, in a while. i'm not going to be naive and expect too much. i just hope i'm right for once---that maybe this could be something wonderful.
these first moments i hope aren't the last. tonight was beautiful. my heart's beating a little fast.
i like the way he holds my hand, and smiles. i like the way he kisses me. the little, ridiculous doodles i left on his hands; the way he doesn't mind that i did so. the way i can't stop thinking about him. he's cozy, he's sweet, he's adorable, and i dont think he knows it.
i don't know. it's wembley.

please, let me be right.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

You're a part-time lover and a full-time friend.

I can't even feel comfortable asking my mother if i can eat some Chinese after eating no dinner.
I can't even face my feelings for my best friend. I can't even decide how the fuck i feel.
I can't function around the guy I actually kind of dig. I'm good at creating awful, awkward situations, and I know he doesn't like me, how the hell could anyone?
and i know im making myself seem so pathetic, so lame. desperate, i guess is the word. i just have so much on my mind and i dont know what to say.
i need to breathe.