Sunday, December 23, 2007

Nothing's gonna change my world.

So i wandered throughout the mall this evening, people watching as i so love to do. i had my ear buds in, with neutral milk hotel and the shins, and feist singing some of my favorite songs into my head and into my heart. i saw couples, i saw young mothers, i saw fathers and boyfriends/professional procrastinators buying their daughters and girlfriends gifts a good two days before christmas day. i saw the tall shining tree, children gazing at the lights with pure wonder in their eyes. using the banister as a guide i watched all around me, barely paying any attention to where i was going. i was just looking to every which direction, slowly, pensively, and happily. feeling somewhat free. sure, i was at a mall of all places, a corporate powerhouse where the objective of all is to shop and feed the machine. but none of that matters---none of that cynical bullshit matters, because christmastime is so much more. that mundane haze that typically surrounds nearly every bit of my surroundings faded. hell, maybe christmas had nothing to do with it. but that's no matter.
the downpour felt wonderful on my skin as i walked into the parking lot, disregarding all. others rushed for 'safety', but frankly, the safety for me lied in the rain. that comfort. i didn't want a jacket, i didn't want my hat. i wanted the rain more than anything at that moment.
and so i wonder, and i think, and things have gotten a bit more inhibited since then, considering laptops and walls will do that to you. and i long for that freedom, once again. someone accompany me into the field, because, admittedly, i'm rather afraid of the dark. i know its raining. but it surely isn't cold.

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