Thursday, November 22, 2007


In the light of this thanksgiving, and my wisdom teeth surgery (not in that order), i'm feeling alright. my mouth is sore, and i look like a chipmunk in a black wig and a plum colored cardigan.
the surgery went well, i guess, because apparently, the terrible discomfort is completely normal and i've just got to deal with it. and thats okay. its difficult to eat anything that isn't mushy and cold. at least i get tons of ice cream, and popsicles, and soda out of it. sweet deal :D
the surgery process was so strange. i had never had any kind of surgery, so this was a bit of an adventure. an adventure i wouldnt have minded going without, but its a necessary evil, so, yep.
first they put me under the nitrous oxide in order to relax me and put the iv in my arm. i felt so strange, like dreaming, but it was scary, because of how heavy i felt and how defenseless my body became.
then i went under, they pulled the teeth out, and boom, im here, feeling pretty uncomfortable. i just want it to go away already.

thanksgiving was limited, obviously. but it was still nice.

I'm going to rest and ice my cheek so i dont feel totally horrible.

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