Sunday, October 21, 2007

I'm tired.

my legs are sore, well, to be honest, my entire body is sore.
waidestock was skanktastic.
i had a lovely time. and i got to see friends i havent seen in months. 12 hours away from the house, laughing, hugging, and ohhhh the music. there was the good, the bad, and just really sweaty. it was awesome. big d were great, probably one of the highlights of my night when it came to music. jerk city were great, the matches were good too, i only caught part of emmure's set but they were lovely..
and da mezzanine throwdown was GRANNNDD 'we dont have the bree bree music in switzerland!' cindy's such a magnificent character. ho ho ho.

im skipping out on the homecoming dance to watch absurdly gory movies in costume saturday :)
so thatll be fun.
and i borrowed a DIY book from sam, lots of ideas im going to take advantage of. there's this amazzzinnnggg clear tote bag project in there that i absolutely adore, so as soon as i get myself to ac moore then im getting on that.

good night lovelies

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Iced animal crackers

How i do wish i had some. they represent something amazing, colorful, tasty as fuck and just flawless altogether. but a few bites and its gone. That's like some crappy love metaphor.
But no matter. i really want some right about now. thatd be pretty awesome.
julius caesar is a grand play, might i add. shakespeare never fails to please me. and marlon brando's a hottie. (we got to see part of the film version, it was really grand as well.)

p.s. i put together my final costume. i make a really great bettie page. minus the whip.

Sunday, October 14, 2007


For lack of a better term.
I'm okay. We're alright. Gina and i deserve so much better than this.

So we'll be fine.
On another note...

Rilo Kiley's new album is pretty awesome.
and motion city's is just AMAZING.

'broken heart' is pretty easy to identify with.


Friday, October 12, 2007

I never met a more impossible girl.

It's kind of pathetic. i feel really awkward in school. but i got to meet an indie filmmaker/actor today after school, now that, dear readers, was awesome. his name is D.J. Mendel. get to know the man.
I wish, really bad, that i wasn't in stage crew, and that i was an actor on stage. i know the people who did get the roles were most certainly very deserving; they're all great people... but it sucks that im not one of them. oh well. i probably wouldn't mesh really well in the group anyway. i rarely ever do.
But i am starting to draw. badly, i might add, but its still fun and it gives me something to do when in world history. that class might as well be the biggest waste of time and least fun i'll ever have.
At least this year.
And tomorrow seems like it'll be a good day and night. im hitting up east stroudsburg with andy for halloween costumes. then, we're going to work on some music and watch some movies that night.

Silence of the lambs, clerks, and salvation army FTW.